UNIX / Linux finger Command Examples

What is finger?
2 finger examples
Syntax and Options
Related Commands

What is finger?

finger command is used to lookup information about an user.

2 finger Examples

1. View detail about a particular user

finger command will display login, username, home directory, shell information about a particular user as shown below.

$ finger sathiya
Login: sathiya                          Name: (null)
Directory: /home/sathiya                Shell: /bin/bash
On since Mon Nov  1 18:45 (IST) on :0 (messages off)
On since Mon Nov  1 18:46 (IST) on pts/0 from :0.0
New mail received Fri May  7 10:33 2010 (IST)
Unread since Sat Jun  7 12:59 2008 (IST)
No Plan.

2. View login details and Idle status about an user

You can use finger -s option to view the login detail for a particular user.

$ finger -s root
Login     Name       		Tty      Idle  Login Time   Office     Office Phone
root         root           *1    19d Wed 17:45
root         root           *2     3d Fri 16:53
root         root           *3        Mon 20:20
root         root           *ta    2  Tue 15:43
root         root           *tb    2  Tue 15:44

Syntax and Options

Short Option Option Description
-s Display the user’s login name, real name, terminal name and write status idle time, login time, and either

office location and office phone number, or the remote host.

-p Prevent the -l option of finger from displaying the contents of the .forward, .plan, .project and .pubkey


-m Prevent matching of user names. User is usually a login name; however, matching will also be done on the users’

real names, unless the -m option is supplied.Display the user’s login name, real name, terminal name and write

status idle time, login time, and either office location and office phone number, or the remote host.

-o When used in conjunction with the -s option, the office location and office phone information is displayed

instead of the name of the remote host.

Related Commands
